Yizkor in a Time of Mourning, Pesach 5784

“Teach us to number our days so we may find a heart of wisdom.” 

We’ve been counting. Counting for a minyan. Counting the Omer. Counting the number of days of Passover. Counting shloshim with two families. Counting the number of days the hostages have been in captivity. Counting so we remember.

So much of our tradition is about memory. Passover is no exception. We are to remember that we ourselves were slaves in Egypt and what the Lord did for us when we went forth.  

Today we observe yizkor, the memorial prayers. Even at our most joyous moments, we are to remember those who went before us. Our portion today talks about the 3 pilgrimage festivals. Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot. On each of these three holidays we are told to remember. We remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. There is a parallel discussion in Deut 16 which ends: “so that you may remember the day of your departure from the land of Egypt as long as you live.” 

 Three times a year—on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the Feast of Weeks, and on the Feast of Booths—all your males shall appear before your Lord God  in the place that [God] will choose. They shall not appear before God empty-handed, but each with his own gift, according to the blessing that your Lord God has bestowed upon you. Bear in mind that you were slaves in Egypt, and take care to obey these laws.  

 But the translation in this version of JPS on Sefaria, “Bear in mind” comes from that same root, zachor, to remember. 

We make kiddush on Shabbat evening and festivals to remember two things, Creation and the Exodus from Egypt.  

What does it mean to remember: 

“have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of (someone or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past).” 

Passover works this way. It is layered with memory. We remember the year we first asked the four questions. We remember polishing silver and swirling matzah balls. We remember the year the power went out. We remember the year we didn’t have enough chairs. We remember the year someone had a litte more than four cups of wine. We remember that we were slaves in Egypt that each of us went forth out of Mitzrayim, the narrow places. But wait, you say, none of us were present. That may be true. But each of us have gone forth from something. The year we had cancer. The year we didn’t have a job. The year we were getting a divorce. The year we moved. Whatever that narrow place was. All of the seder is designed to get children to ask, Why? Why are you doing this? This isn’t what we usually do. This is the answer we give the children. “It is because of what the Lord did for me, when I went forth from Egypt.” It’s personal.  

Today we also read the 13 attributes of the Divine. It is a portion I have thought about a lot. It was, in fact, my Bat mitzvah portion and the reason I became a rabbi. Many people think that Judaism is a religion of law and Christianity is about love. But no, when G-d hid Moses in the cleft of the rock and made all G-d’s goodness pass before him, we are told that G-d is merciful and compassionate, full of lovingkindness (chesed), slow to anger (patient) and forgiving of iniquity, transgression and sin.  

My Passover reading is Rabbi Shai Held’s new book Judaism is about Love. His goal is to answer the question that we are all loved, that Judaism is a religion of love. He begins by looking at the words rachum and chesed, both part of the Thirteen Attributes. I am looking forward to reading the whole book and sharing insights with you. 

My new insight, based on a close reading of today’s text is this. At the very beginning, all the way back in Genesis, we learn that G-d created man and woman, zachar and nekevah, male and female. But look at that word zachar. Is it related to zachor, remember. Perhaps. Perhaps then, what distinguishes us from all the other creatures is the ability for us to remember.  

I am not alone in noticing this connection.  

Rav S. R. Hirsch writes (comm. to Ex. 23:17): “The special function of [males] … is zocher, to form the chain of tradition of the human race, by which the achievements of each age are handed down from generation to generation.” Similarly, Rav Matityahu Clark, in his Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew (a book based on the commentaries of Rav Hirsch) defines Z-Ch-R as “male; bearer of tradition.” Or it could be thinking about the male anatomy, something we remember is something that pierces the mind. Hebrew is a gendered language. In the old days, it was only men who had the responsibility to say kaddish. Who can forget the scene in Yentle when the group is asked who will say kaddish for Yentle’s father and Streisand answered that she would. In the old days, sons were actually called kaddishes, the persons who would say kaddish for a parent. These days, including this congregation, men and women both say kaddish. The act of saying kaddish helps us to remember.  

 If, as we suggest, we are to become like G-d, in Latin imitatio dei, to imitate G-d, remembering is something G-d does. While the word may not always be zachor, sometimes it is pakad. G-d took note, G-d remembered, G-d counted, it is clear that G-d remembers. When G-d remembers it is an act of lovingkindness, gemilut chasadim, it is an act of compassion, 

 Perhaps the act of remembering is really an act of chesed, an act of lovingkindness. It is how we keep the memory of our loved ones alive, present. It is how we become like G-d. 

 It is that spirit in which I enter yizkor today. 


Pour Out Your Love

I’ve been preparing for Passover since February. While this was a year with a leap month, it was necessary. First the Hakol monthly bulletin deadline was February 15, just like always. Announcements of seders, chamatz selling etc had to be done. Then the Academy for Jewish Religion announced it was putting out a haggadah supplement, Seder Interrupted. I submitted a piece that was accepted. It is avsilable on Amazon and as a pdf download, (https://ajr.edu/forms/haggadah-supplement-download/)  and even if the seders themselves are completed for this year, the texts are still relevant.  

This is a Passover like no other. At least not in my lifetime. Parts of the seder resonate so deeply. What is freedom? How do we achieve freedom? What does it mean to “let all who are hungry come and eat? What is our responsibility to feed the hungry? Can we drink wine? Can we rejoice at all? How do we appropriately remember the hostages in this context? What does even opening a door mean when on October 7th people struggled to hold doors closed to their safe rooms? Should we have a seder at all? What about safety and security concerns? Oy! 

And yet, we must. Even in the people of Israel’s darkest days we have found ways to remember, to tell the story, to sing songs, to ask questions and demand answers, to dare to dream, to dare to hope for a better world.  

I have been involved in 4 seders. Each class at Torah School learned blessings and we stitched it all together. They tasted two kinds of parsley, three kinds of matzah and two kinds of charoset. Then I attended the Govenor’s Seder where I delivered a copy of Seder Interrupted. It was very poignant and deeply meaningful to be with our elected officials and some of our leading Jewish professionals from throughout Illinois. And like we did at our community seder in Elgin, we were joined by some clergy of other faiths. That was one of the most soulful renditions of Hatikvah I have ever heard, song by a black pastor who had recently song it on an IDF military base. Hatikvah means The Hope. The whole event brought me hope. 

My home seder was almost as I have always imagined it in this home. We rented our home with visions of large Passover seders. But the pandemic interrupted that, then my bone marrow transplant. Passover is the most celebrated American Jewish holiday. There are layers and layers of memories and feelings. No one will forget this year either. To the food, many of our traditional dishes, chopped liver, matzah ball soup gefilte fish (jarred), chocolate covered matzah, we added Israeli chicken and Israeli salad. But its not really about the food. It is about the words of the Haggadah and coming together as family and friends. We did all of that. And it is really amazing to watch Jack, my other brother from another mother, run a Passover kitchen. And Kevin wash dishes just as quickly as Jack.  

Over and over again the words resonate. “Let all who are hungry come and eat.” “Our ancestors were wandering Arameans.” The role of Shifrah and Puah, the midwives who helped birth the baby boys, just like my doctor’s mother and aunt did in Athens during the war. The words of Anne Frank. The words of Martin Niemöller. They came for the Jews and I didn’t speak up…in light of rising anti-semitism and protests of college campuses. “G-d heard their groans and G-d remembered the covenant.” Will G-d remember the hostages? The plagues and the piece that I wrote. A drop of blood, A drop of wine…too many to count this year. These words: “O G-d teach us to rejoice in freedom, but not in its cost for us and our enemies. Let there come a day when violence is not more and we shall be free to rejoice without sadness, to sing without tears.” 

We talked about the orange. Both versions. We actually ate the orange. That was a first for me. We opened the door for Elijah and read Alden Solovy’s powerful poem that Elijah will not come this year. (Really has he come any year? Every year we wait for him. Every year we are reminded that the work of redemption is up to us). And then that seder was over. 

The synagogue seder had 75 people. The tables were beautiful. We added certain elements to meet the moment. Bracelets like those of University of Michigan Hillel that say “We will dance again. Am Yisrael Chai.” So many of the wounded, the captured, the dead were dancing at a music festival and they have taken up that cry. We provided tambourines like Miriam had and we sang with gusto. We left a chair empty. For all those who could not attend. All those hostages. We placed a photo of Omri Miran, the cousin of Simon’s niece, still being held hostage and we tied it with yellow ribbon. We painted our nails yellow as Hadassah suggested to remember. The children danced with our omer offering. Day One. Did we hit the right notes? The right balance? Others will have to say.  

There is one more thing about this Passover that is worth talking about, In some traditional Haggadahs just before the opening of the door for Elijah there is a reading called Sh’foch Chamatcha. Pour out Your Wrath. A congregant came to me and said, “Isn’t this a good year to use this prayer.” I was not so familiar with this prayer. Often it is not included in family haggadahs, brevity after dinner being important. It can rankle theologically. It feels a little too “G-d is on our side.” or G-d as warrior G-d for me to be comfortable with.  I decided I would use it as the basis of the Fast of the First Born Siyyum.  

I learned a lot. This prayer first appears in the Machzor Vitry. It consisted first of just four verses, four being a good Haggadah number!Six additional verses are attributed to Rashi. They are in a 13th century English Haggadah and also to Menachem Meiri and in Spain, thus supporting a theory that they were in response to the crusades. And not surprisingly, there are many variations in custom, as is true for much of Judaism, so not entirely surprising I was less familiar with it. To our modern ears, many have felt it inappropriate to call for G-d’s wrath, in many of the same arguments as with Aleinu. But I found one that was especially important to highlight even as the JPS Commentary of the Haggadah says, “one could almost call a hoax” Chayyim Bloch (1881-1971) cites an unusual version in a manuscript Haggadah that was compiled in 1591 and lost during the Holocaust, except for his notes. But like Rav Abraham Issac Kook taught that the antidote for sinat chinam, baseless hatred is ahavat chinam, baseless love, this reading seems to call G-d to pour out G-d’s love!  

Pour Out Your Wrath and Pour Out Your Love 

Pour out Your love on the nations that know You
And on the kingdoms that call upon Your Name 

For the lcvingkindness that they perform with Jacob
And their defense of the People of Israel 

In the face of those that would devour them.
May they be privileged to see
The Sukkah of peace spread for Your chosen ones
And rejoice in the Joy of Your nations
Chayyim Block (1881-1973) based on a prayer in a manuscript haggadah complied in 1521 and then lost in the Holocaust. (T’ruah, the rabbinic call for human rights) 

I took that message to heart and compiled my own version, drawing heavily on the 13 attributes of the Divine, which talks about G-d’s love. G-d’s limitless love.  

Pour out Your Wrath and Pour out Your love 

Pour out Your Wrath, yes, and also 

Pour out Your compassion 

Pour out Your graciousness 

Pour out Your patience 

Pour out Your kindness 

Extend it to the thousandth generations 

We are the 1000th generation. 

Forgive us, our inequity, our transgressions, our sins. 

Forgive our fears 

And yes,  

Pour out Your love 

Pour out Your chesed. 

On them…and on us. 

Give us Your strength 

For You are our might, and our strength and our song. 

Then, and only then,  

We might be able to build a world on love 

To sing of a world of Your love. 

Then and only then, 

We might be able to have safety 

Only then may we open the door 

Welcoming Elijah 

Where the hearts of the children are turned to the parents 

Where the hearts of the parents are turned to the children 

Open the door to  

A world of peace  

Where everyone may sit under their vine and fig tree  

And none will make us afraid.  

Pour out Your Wrath and Pour out Your love 

L’shanah ha’ba’ah b’rushalim. 

Metzora 5784: Healing with Water

Last week, I pulled down College Street, only to find it was closed. What was the city doing? As it turns out, they were replacing the old pipes leading into houses. These were the pipes that had lead fittings. It was a mess.  

But it is so important. After a 100 years, these pipes were leaching lead into the drinking water. Lead poisoning is a known problem, especially for children under six. Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health issues. It can lead to serious mental and physical developmental delays. It can even be fatal. Often we think about it in terms of old lead based paint. Little kids love to gnaw on things like window sills and other wood. When you sell a house you need to certify that there is no lead paint.  

 We at CKI had already taken steps to mitigate as much of the risk as possible. We went to bottled water for drinking, added filters to the sinks in the kitchen for food preparation and dish washing and then we added a bottle filling station. 

We are pleased that the city is taking the steps necessary to mitigate the risk. We all remember the photos from Flint, and we don’t want to become another Flint. Between April 25, 2014, and October 15, 2015, about 99,000 residents of Flint were exposed to lead when Flint switched its water source from the Detroit Water Authority and the Flint Water System. The risk fell disproportionately on people of color, and those who couldn’t afford access to good medical care, and good, pure drinking water. It illustrated something we talk about a lot. Who is in the camp and who is outside the camp. 

Pure water is important. On this the Shabbat closest to Earth Day, it is important to talk about water. 

In our parsha this week, we talk about how  the priests would help people become pure again after a skin disease, how they could re-enter the camp. That had to do with mayyim hayyim, living water, pure water.  As you may remember I worked at Mayyim Hayyim, the community based mikveh with the same name as this phrase. Water has the ability to clean, to sustain, to heal, to inspire. 

I have begun taking a class from Institute for Jewish Spirituality, taught by Rabbi Toba Spitzer. She wrote a book called God is Here. She examines other ways to look at G-d besides all powerful, all knowing, all good. The first week we are looking at G-d as water. She gave us seven verses.  

“God created humankind in Its image, in the image of God It created it, male and female did God create them. (Genesis 1:26) Up to 60% of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70% water, and the lungs are nearly 90% water.(U.S. Geological Survey)”  

Since we are mostly water, and we are created in the image of the Divine, b’tzelem elohim, every time we look on the face of another, we are seeing G-d! 


Her fifth and seventh Biblical example seem related to me: “As the deer longs for water streams, so does my soul long for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; when shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my bread day and night, while they continually say to me, “Where is your God? When I remember these things, I pour out my soul…O my God, my soul is cast down within me, therefore I think of You in this land of Jordan and Hermon, from Mount Mizar. Deep calls to deep at the noise of Your cataracts; all Your waves and Your billows have swept over me.(Psalm 42-2-8) 

You care for the earth and water it; You greatly enrich it with the river of God, which is fullof water…You water her furrows abundantly; You settle her ridges; You make it soft withshowers; You bless its growth. You crown the year with your goodness; and Your paths drop fatness. The pastures of the wilderness drip; and the hills rejoice on every side. (Psalm 65:8-13) 

We long for water, we long for G-d to quench our thirst. And as G-d cares for the earth, we have an obligation also to care for the earth, for water, for G-d. 

Passover, too has its references to water. The salt water with the parsley, reminiscent of the tears. Crossing the Sea of Reeds to freedom, out of the narrow places and yes, the newer tradition of Miriam’s Cup. Finding pure water to drink in the desert is hard to do. Moses struck a rock twice and was punished for it. Miriam, whose very name means bitter waters, had a knack for finding water. Many families now add a cup of pure, spring water to their tables to reflect Miriam’s well.  

Lastly, it is during Passover, that we add the prayer for dew. On the first morning of Passover, we recite a special prayer, Tefilat Tal, the prayer for dew. Beginning next Shabbat in our community, it is reflected in our Amidah prayer. No longer do we add “mashive haruach u’morid ha geshem” Some add in their private meditation, “morid hatal, who brings down the dew”  

The prayer is one of two times in the year when Jews recite special prayers for precipitation. The other is in the fall, at the end of the holiday of Sukkot, when a prayer for rain, Tefillat Geshem, is recited. 

This prayer always reminds me of Honi the Circle Drawer. We usually think of Honi as the one who find the old man planting a carob tree. Why plant it if you will not benefit from it. The answer, for our children and grandchildren. But Honi gets his name because he prays to G-d for rain. He draws a circle and tells G-d he will not move until it rained. It began to drizzle. He told G-d he wasn’t satisfied. Then it began to pour. Still he was not satisfied. He wanted a calm rain. It then began to rain gently. (Ta’anit 19a and 23b) 

In our pasha today, mayyim hayyim, living waters, were used by the priest to purify, to cleanse, to heal and to forgive. Our tradition is not the ohly one who sees water as a source of repentance and healing. In the Buddhist tradition, the Water Repentance liturgy was written during the Tang Dynasty and used by the imperial Dhama Master Wu Da to heal a growth on his knee that was shaped like a human face. Participants in this ceremony repent following this sutra. It is also apparently considered a beneficial act to share the merits of the ritual with the deceased. Sound familiar? 

One of my favorite books for preparation for Yom Kippur, Repentance by Dr. Louis Newman contains this quote: 

“Like water, teshuvah is both destructive and creative. It dissolves the person you were but simultaneously provides the moisture you need to grow anew. It erodes the hard edges of your willfulness but also refreshens your spirit. It can turn the tallest barriers of moral blindness into rubble while it also gently nourishes the hidden seeds of hope buried deep in your soul. Teshuvah, like water, has the power both to wash away past sin and to shower you with the blessing of a new future, if only you trust it and allow yourself to be carried along in its current.” 

Water. It’s important.  

When you pass through water, 

I will be with you; 

Through streams, 

They shall not overwhelm you. 

When you walk through fire, 

You shall not be scorched; 

Through flame, 

It shall not burn you. 

For I the ETERNAL am your God, 

The Holy One of Israel, your Savior. 

I give Egypt as a ransom for you, 

Cush and Saba in exchange for you. 

Because you are precious to Me, 

And honored, and I love you, 

I give people in exchange for you 

And nations in your stead. 

Fear not, for I am with you: 

I will bring your folk from the East, 

Will gather you out of the West; 

Isaiah 43 

On this Shabbat, this brings me hope. Next year in Jerusalem. Next year all the world redeemed. 

Invocation at the State House 5784

It is a great honor to be asked to do an invocation at the State House. In 12 years this is my second trip to Springfield for this. At some point while waiting to be on the podium I realized that I have now lived in Illinois for 18 years, 6 as a young girl in Evanston and 12 as a rabbi in Elgin.

Here is my prayer:

From the time of Jeremiah the prophet, about 2500 years ago, Jews have prayed for their leaders and advisors, wherever they have lived, whoever the government of the day has been. 

Today I stand before you, our elected officials and pray. I pray for courage. It takes courage to be a leader. To give up time with family and friends  To take a risk. Sadly, we know just how real that risk can be. Not only as an elected official as we have seen with Rep Gabby Giffords and Rep. Scalise, but for your staffs and families, for judges and their families across this nation. You ran for office because you wanted to represent the people of Illinois—all the people of Illinois. You ran for office because you wanted to make a difference.  

Today I pray for each of you, that you continue to make wise decisions on behalf of this great state.  

Today I pray for patience and strength when others disagree with you, when you need to reach across the aisle and build consensus and coalitions.  

Today I pray for the budgeting process. That you remember our obligations to the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the most vulnerable amongst us. 

Today I pray for our children, all our children, that they have the opportunity to grow up as leaders, that they have appropriate role models like you. 

Today. I pray for our schools that they continue to educate our kids, all of our kids,  The kids are worth it. 

Today, I pray for our social service agencies to continue to provide critical, emergency services like shelter, mental health services, and access to health care. 

Today I pray for our faith communities that come together and help with mutual understanding and respect. 

Today I pray for our first responders who are tasked with keeping all of you safe. And me and my community too. 

Today I pray for each of you. That the vision you have of this state, a model to so many other states, part of that American dream, will not diminished. 

Today I share these words, even more poignant today… 

“Our G-d and G-d of our ancestors: We ask Your blessings for our country—for its government, for its leaders and advisors and for all who exercise just and rightful authority. Teach them insights from your Torah, that they may administer all affairs of state fairly, that peace and security, happiness and prosperity, justice and freedom may forever abide in our midst. 

Creator of all flesh, bless all the inhabitants of our country with Your spirit. May citizens of all races and creeds forge a common bond in true harmony, to banish hatred and bigotry, and to safeguard the ideals and free institutions that are the pride and glory of our country. 

 May this land, under your providence, be an influence for good throughout the world, uniting all people in peace and freedom—helping them fulfill the vision of Your prophet—National shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they experience war any more.” And let us say: Amen.” (Siddur Sim Shalom page 148)

And today I add an extra prayer, a prayer for peace that as George Washington said to the Hebrew congregation in Newport, RI in 1790, that “For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. Then quoting the prophet Micah, “may there come a day when everyone may sit under their vine and their fig tree and none shall make them afraid. Ufros Aleinu Sukkat Shlomecha, spread over us the shelter, that fragile sukkah, of Your peace. Oseh shalom bimromav…May the G-d who makes peace in the High Heavens, make peace here on earth, speedily and in our day.

What I discovered. People are kind here. I got lost finding the parking lot. No problem. Police helped. I got lost finding the clerk’s office (I followed the signs but they have changed the inside. A senator, an elevator man and finally someone in Room 402 walked me to 420,, the clerk’s office, which I never would have found. Then it was back to 402 for badging. People held open doors. The hotel is shockingly clean. (And I told them so) The front desk printed for me and loaned me a file folder. And people thanked me for my prayer. Including the Palestinian representative. Somewhere there is a photo of that.  Yes, people can be kind.

I’ve always been a political junkie. And a news junkie. It comes from being in Grand Rapids in the 70s when Ford was the President and I was the diversity for the Girl Scouts. Yet, my mother always said we shouldn’t t talk about religion or politics in public. It is, however, exactly what I do as a rabbi. I believe that part of the Torah was to help us create a moral, ethical society. You only need to look at the Holiness Code, Leviticus 19. How do we “love our neighbors as ourselves?” How do we take care of the widow, the orphan, the stranger? The most marginalized amongst us. That’s the job to the legislature to set policy, to make laws and to budget fairly. That’s why it was important to be in Springfield to do this invocation.

I believe in separation of church and state. I believe that we should not establish at state religion. I believe that praying at the opening of governmental meetings is complicated. I have been in interfaith organizations that have decried this whole process. I have read much of the Supreme Court rulings on this. However, if the legislature is giving me, and by extension the congregation a seat at the table, it is important for me to be visible. It was also a good opportunity to network with legislators, and thank them for adding Illinois money to the homeland security grant money that may, just may keep us all safer in this age of rising anti-semitism.

Yes, today was a good day.

Shabbat HaHodesh 5784: Preparing for Passover and Kashrut

Once upon a time, in the old days, rabbis only gave sermons (or d’vrei Torah or drashes) twice per year. On Shabbat Hagadol, before Passover to tell you how to prepare with much exactitude. And on Shabbat Shuvah to tell you how to repent before Yom Kippur. Today is Shabbat HaHodesh, about two weeks from Passover, more time to prepare.  

We’ve just read a list of the things we can and can not eat as Jews. Much ink has been spilled through the millenia about why G-d gave these commandments and why they are important.  

What we read is some times called Biblical Kashrut. People who say they keep Biblical Kashrut may avoid pork and shellfish and other non-kosher animals as described in today’s portion. Camel anyone? I thought not. But they may mix chicken and milk. Anyone ever boil a chicken in it’s mother’s milk? I thought not. Chickens don’t give milk!  

Here at CKI we have a kosher kitchen, and Simon and I have one at home. We are not the only people at CKI who do. And there are those who don’t but want to make sure that CKI does. There are many reasons for that. I’ve heard things like so anyone can eat here. Because we are Jews. Because it is how we’ve always done it. Because it draws us closer to G-d.  

We run this kitchen to CRC standards. The Chicago Rabbinical Council. CRC is one of the organizations that certifies kashrut. Here is their Pesach Guide. https://consumer.crckosher.org/pesach/  

You are probably most familiar with OU. You know the circle with a U in the middle. I was fascinated by a book called Kosher Nation by Sue Fishkoff. Part of the growth in kashrut certification of late comes from people who are not Jewish. Muslims trust the certifcation for meat. Vegans for parve. I didn’t grow up kosher. In fact, in my seventh grade religious school class taught by my mom and my rabbi we learned that Kashrut was an outmoded form of Judaism as we learned about blue and red soap. That’s not Biblical Kashrut! I didn’t know anyone who kept kosher until I went to college. (Ask me some other time about my first kosher Duncan Hines brownies for Hillel!) 

Are you familiar with the term Ethical Kashrut? It is a way to eat for Jews that takes into account the treatment of the farm workers and the animals themselves. It ia way to take the values and morals of keeping Kosher and make them relevant today.  


Ironically, this piece is written by Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitch, a modern Orthodox rabbi in Phoenix, one of the brightest and most compassionate people I know. He also believes that veganism is an even more authentic Judaism. More on that, much more on that in May.

Much of what we do here at CKI is based on Talmudic and later codes like the Shulchan Arukh. We use Kosher meat. We use kosher wine and kosher cheese. And I can do most of the shopping right here in the Rox River Valley. Some people tell me they are scared to shop or scared to use the kitchen. They don’t want to make a mistake. My job is to help you feel comfortable. And competent.

Much of what we do is in the category of a chumra, a fence around the Torah. We have one in today’s portion. Passover is an eight day holiday, right? No, according to the Torah it is a seven-day holiday. The rabbis of the Talmud added an extra day so we would know for sure we were celebrating on the right day. And so most Jews out of the land of Israel celebrate Passover (and also Sukkot) for eight days.  

Many of you are preparing already for Passover, where even more exacting lengths are taken to insure “keeping Passover.” But which Passover? The extra reading today was clear. You need Lamb, bitter herbs and matzah. Pretty simple, right? No mention of Kosher for Passover brownies, Dr. Brown’s Cherry Soda or Kosher for Passover ketchup.  

Why is corn not OK but quinoa OK? Both are new world grains. Yet we persist in this year after year. Tradition, tradition! But whose? And why? Why, it’s the way “we’ve” always done it. It’s anthropology. We cling to what we remember, what’s comfortable and what ties us to generations past. It’s anthropology.  

We often joke about the idea of two Jews and three opinions. We know that there are differences between Ashkanazi Jews and Sephardic Jews. In Haftarah readings. In how we pronounce Hebrew.  in the prayers in our standard liturgy. And perhaps most notably in how Jews eat for Passover. That doesn’t make either camp less Jewish. We are all Jews. As a rabbi I get very tired of people telling me that so and so isn’t Jewish or Jewish enough because they don’t do alef, bet or gimmel. Trust me. You are all Jewish. Trust me, you are all doing Jewish. 

In Israel they had a problem. Particularly with Passover there is a tension between how Ashkenazi Jews do Passover and how Sephardic Jews do Passover. Sephardic Jews have always allowed a category of food known as Kitinyot. Essentially beans and rice. Even at our “kosher Jewel,” you find signs that say “OK for Sephardim”  

In 2015 the Conservative Movement echoing a responsa from the Masorti Movement in Israel written by Rabbi David Golinkin ruled that it is OK for Ashkanazim to eat kitinyot for Passover.  

CJLS Teshuvah, 2015, Conclusion and Psak Halakhah: 

In order to bring down the cost of making Pesah and support the healthier diet that is now becoming more common, and given the inapplicability today of the primary concerns that seem to have led to the custom of prohibiting kitniyot, and further, given our inclination in our day to present an accessible Judaism unencumbered by unneeded prohibitions, more easily able to participate in the culture that surrounds us, we are prepared to rely on the fundamental observance recorded in the Talmud and codes and permit the eating of kitniyot on Pesah. 

The full teshuvah is here.  


For me, it is important to note that even in the 1500s when the original prohibition went into effect, rabbis thought it was too much of a fence around the Torah. But this is Judaism and even in the Conservative Movement there is room for dissent:  


So what do we do at CKI? We are not affiliated with the Conservative Movement at this stage. Many people have opinions on this topic of kitinot. So as we have done for several years, we continue to adhere to it at CKI for the Community seder and the Oneg Shabbat and Kiddush during Passover. What you choose to do in your own home is your choice. It is a sign of your freedom. But please, please be kind and don’t tell someone that what they are doing or not doing isn’t Jewish.  

And when you see the sign that says call your local rabbi, feel free to call me. But not before 7AM or after 9PM.

Solar Eclipse Blessings 5784

On Monday we have a very special opportunity to see a wonder of the natural world. An eclipse. Perhaps some of you have made plans to travel to the path of totality. Others of you may be here in Chicagoland. The weather is sounding better than it has been this past week and we may actually get to see it! Here in Chicagoland they believe we will be between 90% and 95%. It should be “awesome,” in the true sense of that word. 

But the ancients, who were away of eclipses found them scary. A bad omen. A sign of things that are worse to come. There isn’t even a blessing for an eclipse. In 2017 I spoke at length about this, https://www.theenergizerrabbi.org/2017/08/22/finding-joy-in-sight-reah/ And I  went to University of Chicago to watch it myself with myself. Be very careful. Use those glasses. Be safe. I plan to pack a picnic of moon foods; oreo cookies, black and white cookies, cheese, pizza and finally on the way home, vanilla ice cream with dark chocolate sauce.  I want the snacks to be simple–and memorable. The next eclipse isn’t until 2044.

Wait, no blessing for an eclipse? That makes no sense. There is even a blessing for an earthquake as people learned today. There are actually two from the Talmud: Berachot 54a: 

Baruch Atta Ado-nai Elo-hai-nu Melech ha’olam osei ma’asei vereisheet.
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה’ אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם עוֹשֶׂה מַעֲשֵׂה בְרֵאשִׁית
translation: Blessed are You, Lord our G‑d, Ruler of the universe, who reenacts the works of creation. 

Baruch Atta Ado-nai Elo-hai-nu Melech ha’olam shekocho ugevurato malei olam.
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה’ אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם שֶׁכֹּחוֹ וּגְבוּרָתוֹ מָלֵא עוֹלָם
translation: Blessed are You, Lord our G‑d, Ruler of the universe, whose power and might fill the world. 

This leads to another question. This translation of Baruch is Blessed. That’s my preferred translation. Siddur Sim Shalom consistently uses “Praised.” A couple of the haggadot I am reviewing seem to alternate. This is jarring to me. Do you hear a difference between blessed and praised? When we look at the Barchu, the formal call to worship, the first word is barchu, in the command form. Praise G-d. Bless G-d. You bless G-d. Then the echo is Blessed or Praised are You… Does G-d need our blessing, our praise? Our kids once described this call and response, the call to worship as “Here I am G-d, ready or not here I come.” 

The paragraph after the Barchu is a prayer about creation. In the evening service it is called “Ma’ariv Aravim.” and it is quite poetic in the Hebrew. The G-d who evenings the evening. The G-d who makes evening. Who rolls light away from darkness and darkness away from light. Who alternates the seasons and set the stars on their appointed rounds.” 

Acknowledging the Creator, especially at a time of possible dread, seems appropriate. So Ma’ariv Aravim could be a choice for the eclipse. Another could be the shehechianu said for many firsts and for many things we have not done in a long time. Witnessing an eclipse, not seen by many of us since 2017 would qualify:

Blessed are You, Ruler of the Universe, who has kept us alive and sustained us and enabled us to reach this very moment.  

But let’s pause for a moment. If we were writing our own blessing what would it say: 

Blessed are You, Ruler of the Universe, of Time and Space, who creates the greater light to rule by day and the lesser by night, who creates ongoing beauty and enables us to witness it without fear, who allows us the knowledge to understand that the sun will return again.  

Interestingly, Roger Price wrote a very similar piece last summer for RitualWell: https://ritualwell.org/blog/solar-eclipse-deserves-blessing/?goal=0_29b2b1aacf-5b39afaa9b-62609181&mc_cid=5b39afaa9b&mc_eid=36d93702de  

Note: After delivering this on Friday, I learned that the Conservative Movement in their exploring Judaism had published something on the eclipse in 2021. They use the same two blessings as for an earthquake: https://www.exploringjudaism.org/learning/halakhah/cjls/orach-chayim/what-blessing-do-i-recite-over-an-eclipse/ 

Note #2: Our congregation has a vision statement that includes lifelong learning as one for its planks. After I wrote this I learned that a eclipse cannot happen unless it is a new moon. Rosh Hodesh Nissan begins Monday night! It makes perfect sense. So another blessing might be the hopes which we expressed on Shabbat in the “Announcing the New Month, page 150 in Siddur Sim Shalom. May this ew month reawaken in us joy and blessing. A peaceful life with goodness and blessing, sustenance and physical vitality…May the Holy One bless this new month with life and peace, joy and gladness, deliverance and consolation.” (I would be more than OK if those hopes went for more than the month!)

Tzav 5784: Bringing an Offering, Bringing Messiah

Leviticus is tough. Some don’t like it at all. Why do we bother to read it? Why did the Israelites offer sacrifices? Why did much of it address the priests, the cohanim? What does it have to do with us? Who cares?  

One of the simple answers is hidden in the text tells us, G-d spoke to Moses saying. So if G-d said so, it must be important. Sort of like when a kid asks her  mother why do I have to and the mom answers, “Because I said so.” But that isn’t satisfactory to the child and isn’t to us. 

There are several words for sacrifice. Korban comes from the root, “To draw close.” How do we draw close to G-d today? We recite prayers, we light candles, we bake challah, we perform rituals, we sing, we meditate. We open our hearts. And sometimes we have a flash of insight, we sense that G-d is close. But those moments seem fleeting. The rituals are designed to allow us to more consistently experience the Divine. 

The translation in Etz Hayyim say that “this is the ritual of the sacrifice of well-being. The word is actually Torat zevah shlomim.” But here the word Torah doesn’t mean Torah scroll. Rather it comes from the same root that means to aim, direct, to cast,, shoot, which becomes to show the way, to instruct. So these are the rituals. A way to draw close to G-d.

Another word is avodah. Avodah comes from the root that means sacrifice, service, work. We are told in Pirke Avot that the world is sustained by three things: Al shlosha devarim. Al HaTorah, Al ha’avodah, Al gemilut chasadim. On Torah, On sacrifice, On acts of lovingkindness. What can we offer G-d? What does G-d need from us? Maybe the better question is what can we offer each other? 

One more term for today: zevach shlomim. According to Etz Hayim it is an offering of well-being. Shlomim comes from the same root as shalom, which we know means hello, good bye and peace but comes from a sense of wholeness, completeness. It is like when we offer the mi sheberach prayer and wish someone a refua shlema, a full, complete healing.  

The Oxford online Dictionary defines well-being as the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. “an improvement in the patient’s well-being” 

So a zevah shlomim offers us an opportunity to feel that sense of happiness, contentment, fullness.  

The next phrase in our text is zevach todah, an offering of thanksgiving. We know the word todah from modern Hebrew. Todah means thanks. These offerings give us an opportunity to feel gratitude, to say thank you. To G-d, to our fellows, to the word at large. Because we know from modern research that gratitude leads to that sense of wholeness, of fullness, of drawing close to G-d.  

Rabbi Jennifer Singer reminded me that what Leviticus is begging us to do is to draw close to G-d, to think beyond ourselves with acts of lovingkindness,, to live every day fully, completely. She says, “And we live every day as if it matters. Because it does. My little corner of the world feels safe and calm, but there are people and events swirling around us that are roiling the seas and sending tidal waves of fear and grief. Even here, I feel it. Tendrils of hatred filter into my world and as much as I would like to withdraw, I cannot. We cannot.”  

Then she adds one of my favorite stories from the Talmud.  “Yohanan ben Zakkai, once said: “If you are holding a sapling in your hand and someone tells you, ‘Come quickly, the Messiah is here!’ first finish planting the tree and then go to greet the Messiah.” 

Come draw close to G-d. Come do acts of lovingkindness. Come plant a sapling. Come help bring the Messiah. This weekend and every weekend.  

Shabbat Zachor 5784: Remember not to forget Part 2 of Purim

Today is one of four weeks leading up to Passover where we have an extra portion to read from a second scroll. This reading comes from the Book of Deuteronomy 25:17-19 and comes on the Shabbat just before Purim. Just three verses. Why before Purim? Because the Talmud teaches that Haman was a descendent of the Amalekites.  

Remember what Amalek did to you on your journey, after you left Egypt—how, undeterred by fear of God, he surprised you on the march, when you were famished and weary, and cut down all the stragglers in your rear. Therefore, when your God יהוה grants you safety from all your enemies around you, in the land that your God יהוה is giving you as a hereditary portion, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget! 

Remember not to forget. The Torah is serious about this. Very serious. There is something reprehensible about attacking the rear guard, the famished, the weary, the children and women and the aged. The ones who can’t quite keep up. Full stop. Then and now. 

We draw a line from the King of the Amalekites, to King Saul, as we just heard in the haftarah, to Haman, to Hitler…our texts say that in every generation an enemy rises up against us. We even have jokes about it. “They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat.” And yet, it’s really not so funny. 

Much ink has been spilled trying to figure out why there is so much anti-semitism and what we can do about it. I don’t know that I can explain it any better than Jonathan Greenblatt from the ADL or Bari Weiss or Rabbi Evan Moffic all of who have written extensively on this topic. I am distressed by the recent article in the Atlantic whose headline suggests that the Golden Age of American Jews is Ending. This article has been shared with me (I subscribe so I had already seen it) with people who describe themselves on the left and the right. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/04/us-anti-semitism-jewish-american-safety/677469/?utm_campaign=the-atlantic&utm_content=edit-promo&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook  

That’s relevent because we are now fighting anti-semitism on the left and the right. Some are surprised because we thought we were past all this. Our students in college are feeling it the most. And kids in middle schools and high schools feel it too. THe “jokes” are reprehensible. The bullying and threats of physical violence are beyond scary. Make no mistake, you are not alone. If you have a problem please reach out to me. And I have been talking with administrations in U46, D-300 and D-301. We have students and staff in 11 different school districts, so I am sure there is more work to do. Remember, not to forget. 

But there is a danger in this text. We are told to remember. And that we should take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth etc. but that was seen even by Talmudic times as monetary damages. In other places we are told that “vengeance is Mine,” sayeth the Lord. We are not told to seek revenge. We are told to love our neighbors as ourselves and to not hold a grudge. We are told that G-d forgives to the 1000th generation but for some sins there is no forggiveness to the 3rd and 4th generation. That is what I focused my rabbinic thesis on. As part of that I looked at domestic violence which sometimes extends from generation to generation. I examined German Jewish reconciliation because we are now in the third and fourth generation after the Holocaust. Is reconciliation even possible? And, almost unbelievably, I researched generational trauma in the Israeli Palestinian crisis.  

I don’t have an answer. But this I do know. What we are doing isn’t working. And my heart is breaking. It breaks with every report of sexual violence perpetrated on October 7th. I stand with organizations like Hadassah and NCJW who have decried it and have pushed the UN to finally acknowledge it. It breaks with my niece whose cousin is still a hostage. It breaks with every family that has been displaced in the north and the south. With every student that is struggling to figure out schooling in a hotel room. With every business owner that has had to shutter their business or who has been called up in the reserves. And my heart breaks for the Bibas family, those adorable red heads are spending Purim in a tunnel if they are even alive. 

This is the poem prayer I wrote for the AJR Haggadah Supplement, Seder Interrupted. 

Midrash (from Megillah 10)
“The Egyptians were drowning in the sea. At the same time, the angels wanted to sing before God, and the Lord, God, said to them: ‘My creations are drowning, and you are singing before me?'” 

A Plague Poem for This Moment:
My creatures are drowning…
Why are you singing?
A drop of wine
A drop of blood
Not just 10 for the plagues
Too many drops to count this year
Maybe every year
A drop of wine
A drop of blood
We rejoice with each hostage freed
Out of the narrow places
A drop of wine
A drop of blood
A tunnel is a narrow place
A very narrow place
We weep for each life lost
Child, woman, man
Every Gazan, Every Israeli
Every soldier 
Every “non-combatant”
Every victim from any country
Every person
Each created in the image of the Divine
A drop of wine
A drop of blood
We weep for each victim
Each victim of terror
Each victim of sexual assault
Each victim of displacement
Each victim of brutality
Each victim of promises made
And promises shattered
Each victim searching for water
And searching for food
And searching for safety
Searching for school
And searching for healing
Each victim of fear
We pray that soon
All will be out of the tunnels
Out of the narrow places
G-d admonished the angels
“My creatures are drowning, and you rejoice?”
A drop of wine
A drop of blood
Too, too many drops this year
We cannot sing this year
Next year may all be free
Out of the narrow places. 

Years from now, we will continue to remember not to forget what happened on October 7th. There will be prayers. Lord, hear our prayers. Sh’ma Koleinu. 

This week we hear the very first verse of our parsha. If we listen very carefully, we might hear the silent sound of alef. “Vayikra Adonai el Moshe. And G-d called to Moses.” Calling all of us to what? It’s like the still, small voice that Elijah talks about.  

In another time period of great threat to the Jewish people and a seismic shift away from the very things we talk about in the Book of Leviticus, namely animal sacrifice, we learn this story after the destruction of the Temple,  

“Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai was once walking with his disciple, Rabbi Yehoshua, near Jerusalem after the destruction of the Temple. Rabbi Yehoshua looked at the Temple ruins and said: Alas for us!! The place that atoned for the sins of the people Israel lies in ruins! Then Rabbi Yochannan ben Zakkai spoke to him these words of comfort: Be not grieved, my son. There is another equally meritorious way of gaining ritual atonement, even though the Temple is destroyed. We can still gain ritual atonement through acts of loving kindness. For it is written (Hoshea 6:6) “Loving kindness I desire, not sacrifice.” (Avot D’Rabbi Natan 4:5 as cited in Siddur Sim Shalom page 68) 

Sunday we will read the Megilah. This time the Uncensored Esther. The whole megilah. In English so we really understand it. Will we really understand this short book of 10 chapters that focuses on partying, drinking, sex, power and money? Is it an ancient text or current events? Where or where is G-d?  

Rabbi Rachel Barenblatt teaches this: 

“But maybe the subtext of the Megillah – the fact that God’s very name is missing – can teach us that a violent counter-response to trauma isn’t the right path. I don’t know how the whole Jewish people could go about the psychological and spiritual work of healing the trauma of being hated, of being attacked, of facing annihilation over and over. But I think that if we can do that work, it will bring us closer to making the divine presence manifest in the sacred text of all creation. (https://velveteenrabbi.blogs.com/blog/purim/?fbclid=IwAR2h7XZpc5guvVuRXvZDvQDtJpdygl6Tn3YBruozA_4CQIuXzA7z-0wOE-c)  

Would it seem just to totally wipe out Hamas just like Saul was commanded to kill the King of the Amalekites? Maybe. Is it possible? Maybe. But what do we create in its wake? More generations of hatred leading to even more destruction at a later date? That seems to be the message of the 13 Attributes of the Divine. We are to be like G-d, full of lovingkindness, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin. But we can only do that if we feel safe. Today, nobody feels completely safe.  

Rising anti-semitism is real. The war in Israel and Gaza is real. Real people are being attacked. Real people have died. We are still here. (most of us) We are still surviving. Why? We, like Esther, must be in this time and place for a reason. Like Esther, find your voice. Speak out. Call your elected officials. Donate to the organizations that are doing the work on the ground. Make plans to visit Israel. Be like Esther.  See if you can hear the silent sound of alef and what you are being uniquely called to do. 

PS: Imagine my surprise when I got an email from a friend in Israel this weekend telling me that a previous version of my reflections on Amalek got read by an Orthodox shul in Hebrew this Shabbat. This is the one that was cited. https://www.theenergizerrabbi.org/2014/03/17/shabbat-zachor-remembering-amalek-and-moving-onto-purim/?fbclid=IwAR1KcZ-m-M2_kmvMlClCiZaYMCq-ey1y_VH5nsnPQ2TZoCwRejBTuBXowtQ
Even in this time and this place. I hope i brought people some comfort. My friend said this…”Imagine my surprised followed by joy on hearing your name from the bimah.” You never know why I write these.. 


Purim 5784: Celebrate Part 1

It is hard to sing of oneness when our world is not complete,
when those who have once brought wholeness to our life have gone,
and naught but memory can fill the emptiness their passing leaves behind.
But memory can tell us only what we were, in company with those we loved;
it cannot help us find what each of us,
alone, must now become.

Yet no one is really alone; those who live no more echo still within our thoughts and words,
and what they did is part of what we have become.
We do best homage to our dead when we live our lives most fully,
even in the shadow of our loss.

Mishkan Tefilah based on Gates of Prayer

“This opening line, I believe, is a callback to the Sh’ma, our declaration of God’s unity in the world and our unity with God: Hear, O Israel! Adonai is our God and Adonai is One. In all the tumult of life and of Jewish life in particular, the Sh’ma remains a steadfast declaration of the unity in the world. Rabbi Levy acknowledges that in our times of greatest grief, it can feel nearly impossible to sense that oneness. And his sentiments capture where I am at this moment. I feel broken. The world feels incomplete. It’s hard for me to sing of oneness.” https://www.bethaam.org/it-is-hard-to-sing-of-oneness/

Rabbi Jared Saks wrote those words in his d’var Torah toward the beginning of the pandemic, when we really didn’t know much of what was happening. That’s how I feel. The world is incomplete. Not whole. I feel broken. AndI’ll admit it, despite knowing this prayer for decades, I missed the connection between the Sh’ma and its call for oneness and this prayer. It is indeed hard to sing of oneness in this time and place. And yet we must. And we did. The worldwide Sh’ma on Thursday was a very powerful experience. Thinking that people all over the world at the same time were pausing and saying Sh’ma was affirming. Even more powerful was hearing my Bar Mitzvah student do it later in the day. It was a real from generation to generation moment.

This week we will mark Purim. A holiday where the Talmud teaches us that we should say “Be Happy It’s Adar.” It is aspirational, because not everyone is happy. Why should we be happy? Because the Jews 2000 years ago survived in Shushan. Or maybe more than in Shushan. King Ashauraus ruled over 127 provinces from Hodu to Kush, from India to Ethiopia. It was a worldwide empire.

The Talmudic discussion is found in Ta’anit 29a. It is part of larger discussion about the month of Av, the month we mark Tisha B’av and the destruction of the Holy Temples. The Gemorah teaches that when Av enters we decrease rejoicing. But after a very painful story about the destruction of the Temple and the cohanim giving up and throwing themselves into the fire to perish, Rav Yehuda quotes Rav, “When Adar comes rejoicing increases.”

My study partner and I argue about the purpose of Judaism. She says that it is not to find happiness or even joy, it is to find meaning in life. Our religious observances, prayer, Shabbat, kashrut, our acts of gimilut chasadim add structure to our lives that helps us find that meaning. I actually don’t disagree. But finding meaning can also bring us joy.

Joy and happiness are something I think about a lot. It comes from having the middle name Joy. I have a coaster next to my writing area at home that says, Choose Joy. The words Joy, Joy, Joy hang over my mantal. I have any number of books, mostly Jewish on the topic and my favorite, an introduction to the Kabbalah is called Finding Joy. I am surrounded by Joy. All sorts of things bring me joy: the daffodils blooming. The beautiful (and short lived) snow this week. A surprise kiss from my husband. A phone call from a friend. A quiet morning writing in a sunlit room. Yet all of these seem to be fleeting. I am not sure it is possible to sustain joy.

This year people have asked an important question, and I have tried to answer, How can we celebrate Purim in the middle of a war, when the hostages haven’t all been released, when there are so many, so very many casualties. So many children. And the answer is, we have to. For thousands of years, we have celebrated, for the very reason we have survived. Not everyone. But many. They even celebrated in the concentration camps and in the DP camps. And yes, it was documented. https://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/exhibitions/purim/index.asp

One could say we have continued to celebrate from Hodu to Kush.

So rejoice we will. It won’t be easy. And if you can’t that is still OK, but we will as a community. We will hold you up. Because we are told so in the Talmud. Because it adds meaning to our lives, and because even in Israel, there have been weddings and brises and a pause, to celebrate Purim, even in the midst of sadness. It may be somewhat muted and it may be fleeting. But in Israel they will still celebrate and we will here too.

Girl Scout Shabbat 5784

This is the weekend we toast, faithfully, every year my Irish Jewish grandmother. The one I am named for Marguette Sullivan Sicher Levy. She was born in Ireland in County Cork at the turn of the previous century, and she came to this country, to Milwaukee and was adopted by a Jewish family in Chicago. The L. Fish furniture people. She was an amazing woman who I didn’t know very well. She worked, or maybe it was volunteered at the Women’s Exchange in Saint Louis as an accomplished seamstress (but a lousy cook I am told). As part of that, she and her husband took in a young girl from Germany. Greta came to live with my mother and aunt when she was in 3rd grade.  My mother and Greta were in the same Girl Scout troop.  

In many places this Shabbat is called Girl Scout Sabbath and yes, there will be Girl Scout cookies at the end of the evening. My grandmother was the first cookie mom anywhere in the country. I doubted this story until my mother’s best friends who were also in that troop confirmed it one year. My mother and aunt were both leaders, as was I, who remain a life long Girl Scout.  I learned much from my years of Girl Scouting, Much about camping and the out-of-doors. Much about the entrepreneurial nature of cookie sales. Much about leadership.

Tomorrow, we finish reading the book of Exodus, Sh’mot, which means Names. Exodus does a pretty good job of preserving some of the women’s names: Shifra, Puah, Miriam, Yocheved, Zipporah. All of them are strong women in their own unique ways.  

At the end of a book, while everyone is standing we say, “Chazak, chazak v’nitchazek.” Be strong, be strong and be strengthened. It is an aspirational blessing. We need that these days. 

What does it mean to be strong?  

  • having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks. “she cut through the water with her strong arms” 
  • 2. able to withstand great force or pressure. “cotton is strong, hard-wearing, and easy to handle” 

 In Hebrew there are at least three words for strong: chazak, koach and oz.  

Oz we know from the song from the Book of Psalms, “Ozi v’zimrat Yah. G-d is my strength and my might and my song.” 

Koach, we know from the greeting, “Yasher Koach. More power to you” or more accurately “May your strength be enriched” or “May your strength be straight.” 

We also talk about a person who is gibor, strong. 

 Chazak not only has the sense of be strong but also: 

  • to be bound to
  • to be attached to
  • to support
  • to preserve
  • to strengthen
  • to have courage
  • to hold fast
  • to encourage
  • to retain / to keep
  • to prove helpful
  • to uphold

 At one point the Girl Scouts ran an ad campaign with the tag line, “Girl Scouts, where girls grow strong.” I think my mother objected to this line. Her argument: Girls are already strong. Perhaps it should be “where girls grow stronger.”   

 So when we wish someone chazak, chazak v’nitchazek, be strong, be strong and be strengthened, what do we mean? 

 May we strengthen each other. May we be there, one for another. May we find a way to keep going and never give up.  May we have courage.

In preparing for this discussion, I found another Rabbi, Rabbi Ari Lev who also was writing about “Chazak, chazak v’nitchazak.” He found an article written by Paston Eri Wathan 

After Easter to express her thanks for her leadership, much like I do after the High Holy Days:  
“In writing a letter of gratitude my people, I wrote that it takes a whole village of volunteers to make all of this happen…. But then I found myself hitting the backspace button. Because “volunteer” is not quite the right word for what our people do at church… In other words, it’s what you do at a place that is important to you–but not at a place that belongs to you… I’m not sure the word “volunteer” does justice to the depths contained in the work people actually do in their churches…” 

He said and I echo: This resonates deeply for me. Synagogue leadership is not about volunteering, it is about service. I am extremely grateful to each and every person who has given of their time and skill… I offer you each the same blessing that we use to mark completion in our Torah cycle.” https://www.kol-tzedek.org/rabbis-blog/chazak-chazak-vnitchazek  

We know that the rabbis taught there are no extra words in Torah. While this isn’t Torah per se, why do we repeat chazak? I have been taught that the first chazak represents individual strength. We hope that being part of a community, feeling connected inspires each of us to be strong, to be resilient, to cultivate our own inner strength. The second chazak is the collective strength, the strength of the community that comes from taking the individual strengths and putting them together. There is nothing we can’t do if we do it together for the good and the strength of the community. We can lean on the strength of one another and the gifts that we bring to the community, We have the opportunity to see that in all sorts of ways here at CKI. Through acts of lovingkindness, through study together, through those of you who take an active role in leading services, Or just by your showing up, week after week and lending your strength to the wider community. The last part, “v’nitchazek” urges us to be strong into the future. To actively strengthen one another, that it is ongoing and intentional. We strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued, included and supported. We feel we belong. That’s when everyone feels strengthened. As I said this is an aspirational blessing. We live in hope of creating just such a community, Just such a world.  

Maybe the tagline of Congregation Kneseth Israel should be Chazak, Chazak nitchazek, Be strong, be strong and be strengthened. CKI, where we all grow stronger.