Elul 23: Emet, Truth

Yesterday our guest blogger talked about emet, truth as one of the 13 Attributes. Today’s guest blogger, Risa Cohen, also adds to our understanding. Risa is a member at Congregation Kneseth Israel and works in the insurance industry at the corporate level as a risk manager and IT person. This is what she says:

“My favorite word in Hebrew has always been emet. It is the first. middle and last letter of the alphabet. Truth is  just that, the beginning, the middle and the end of a story, a plot and a life. I am not sure of what truth or for a fact whose truth.  More importantly, in my opinion, our G-d is that thread or attribute that connects the story. I am not sure I am always reading the story correctly, but through my confidence that there must be a story that has meaning for the tragedies and joys in our lives and our ability to handle them, so I am confident that G-d is truth in its purest form, until humans interfere with that truth.”

Risa is correct, G-d is truth. So much so that Emet, Truth, is another name for G-d. I too like the idea that word is spelled with the first, the last and middle letter of the alef bet, this makes Truth, G-d, all encompassing, or as she so eloquently said the thread that connects the story of our lives. A powerful thought.