We Americans are used to filtered news. There has been much written about the difference between CNN or NBC and Fox. And that is an important debate. I personally like to get my news from a range of sources, including print and social media, main stream outlets like CNN, NBC, NPR and Fox as well as those outside of the US. That was important yesterday as people were rushing to repost what was happening in the Ukraine to the Jewish community. Even Secretary of State Kerry commented on it. If it appears on CNN, USA Today and our officials discuss it must be true. Right? Maybe yes and maybe no. It is hard to know for sure what is happening in the Ukraine. It seems clear that there were some leaflets handed out to the Jewish community demanding that they register themselves and their property. Who handed them out and why, less clear. Anti-semetic? It certainly seems so.
As my Omer project continues, people have begun to send me clippings. Here is one from yesterday’s New York Times:
“In Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, normal levels of fine dust (meaning particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, about 1/30 of the width of a human hair and a significant health threat) are usually five times as high as those in Gothenburg, Sweden, according to Johan Boman, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Gothenburg. The Nairobi pollution doubles near the central business district, he said, reflecting high pollution from vehicle exhaust.”
People describe having perpetual cold symptoms from living in Nairobi. The comments that it is not as bad as China do not help me, because they do not help the world. (Cue It’s a Small World music here) How can we help this global problem that until yesterday I was not aware existed? I know “Ours is not to complete the task,” however, that verse ends, “Neither are we free to ignore it.”
Thanks Amit, for sharing the article.