Terumah 5785: Build Me A Sanctuary, A Sacred Space for All

This weekend is Parshat Terumah, Shabbat Shekalim. We learn all the details of how to build the mishkan, And I mean ALL the Details. Like where do you get dolphin skins or maybe dolphin is the wrong translation.  

The mishkan, the sanctuary, the portable tent that wandered in the wilderness with the Israelites. A place for the presence of G-d, the shechinah to dwell. And that presence is going to dwell among them, among us. All of us. Part of that is how to create space that is accessible for everyone. All 12 of the tribes. Men, women and children. 

We also read about the half shekel tax that every male over 20 needed to pay, as a way to conduct a census. Everyohe. Everyone counts.  

Tomorrow we will talk about how to build sacred space. How to build a home for G-d. How to build a home for all of us. Everyone of us. 

The U-46 Mission Statement ends with the phrase All means all. Students, Teachers, Staff, Families. It is like the early part of Genesis which clearly teaches that we are all created b’tzelem elohim. All of us. All means all. Are created in the image of the divine. Each of us has a spark of the divine.  

Tonight ends the month of February which is often labeled as Jewish Disability Awareness Month. We at CKI have a vision statement, one plank of which is embracing diversity.  

That means people of all intellectual and physical abilities. Today’s parsha begs us to address this important topic. How do we continue to make CKI accessible to all? What steps have we taken? What more do we need to do? 

Several years ago, JUF hosted a seminar on accessibility run by the Shusterman Foundation. Amongst the hand outs was the outline of a house—because that is what a synagogue is, a house, with ideas of how to make each room accessible. We do pretty well here at CKI and are committed to it. Not every thing  we do is visible. And there is always room for improvement. 

Intellectual disabilities: 

  • Accommodations for Torah School students who have IEPS in School 
  • Hiring Heather Weiser whose masters is in special ed 
  • Teacher training/professional development around social emotional spiritual learning 
  • Sensory room for those who need a quieter environment. 
  • Working with members like Kathy who we helped celebrate a Bat Mitzvah, or Ted and making sure we wave to him every week and making sure they feel welcome. 
  • What else do we need? 

Physical disabilities 

  • Vast majority of first floor physical plant handicap accessible 
  • Men’s bathroom accessible 
  • Recently took down a divider in the women’s bathroom. 
  • But the bimah remains a stretch 
  • We can take a Torah down to the seat level 
  • We have microphone permenently now on the main level 
  • We have grab bars on the aron 
  • We grant accommodations for electronics for hearing aides, sight issues, other medical issues. We have scooters and walkers and canes.  
  • Zoom also provides accessibility, to those who don’t drive at night, for those who are in institutions, sick, immune compromised, etc.  

Health Challenges:
Sometimes our bodies or minds just don’t do what we want them to do. We experience a health set back. Sometimes there are physical challenges. Sometimes there are mental health challenges. Sometimes these are long term, chronic issues. Sometimes these are quicker 

  • We acknowledge them as real issues 
  • We provide pastoral care, spiritual direction and referrals as is appropriate 
  • We offer companionship at hospitals, visits, meals, rides and of course, mi sheberach prayers.  

 Yet none of this is enough and we don’t always get it right. For that I am profoundly, deeply sorry. What else do we need to do? What else can we do? 

And this phrase, “V’asu li mikdash, Make for me a sanctuary, also may refer to how we treat our own bodies, as temples. “Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary. That’s what today’s portion is all about. Our physical, accessible sacred space, and our bodies as sacred space as well, whatever limitations they may have. 


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