Elul Connections 5784: Lifelong Friendships

Today’s writing comes from Carol Levine. A dear friend for decades from Massachusetts. She and Simon both worked at Wang. Remember Wang. She was a member of Temple Emanuel of the Merrimack Valley. Since we both have February birthdays we share a love of the water. Oceans in particular. She collects friends. All over the world. For a lifetime as her writing will show. But today, today, she saw that my daughter was at our favorite ice cream stand in our home town and she went to meet her. Just like that. This is what deep life long connections and friendships are about. 


In the fall of 1968, I fell in love with Carole King’s “Tapestry” album and especially with the title song. “My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue…”. When Margaret asked me to write, for her Elul blog, something about connections, my mind instantly went to that song, with all the rich imagery inherent in tapestries. A tapestry artist places strands of color into the warp, slowly creating tapestry images in a symphony of threads, shapes, colors, and textures. In some ways we are all tapestry artists, creating the unique tapestries of our lives through a pictorial symphony of threads, shapes, colors, and textures that bind us to so many people in our lives. You might say “One Tapestry To Bind Them All”. 

There’s a profound relationship between connections and gratitude. I am grateful every day for the myriad connections that have enriched my life. I am grateful every day that I am still connected to most of the people—family and friends—who have played meaningful roles in my life, in my development as a human being, from late teens to now. 

As a college freshman I had a crush on a junior. All the girls wanted to go out with him. He invited me to Winter Carnival, and I was so excited. Then he took me back to the dorm that night and ended the relationship. But the connection did not break that night. We stayed friends and, thanks to years of visits and correspondence, we are still friends, learning from one another. That thread between us is an important part of the tapestry. I learned to live with my broken heart and create a new friendship. I am grateful for that living connection. 

I spent my sophomore year in Israel, at the Institute for Jewish Youth Leaders from Abroad. 110 of us from all over the world participated. I fell in love with a young man. He gave me a pearl ring. We ‘plighted our troth’ to one another. Back home, he returned to Toronto, and I returned to college at UMASS. We phoned. We wrote. And then one day he drove non-stop to see me at UMASS. Oh, how I loved that exotic bit of thread in my tapestry! Years passed and there was a falling out; the thread was still there but faded, the connection tenuous. Then one day, while visiting Kathy, a friend from the Israel year, the phone rang. It was my old friend, calling Kathy to apologize for any way he had not treated her well. She told him that I was with her, and he asked to speak to me, too, so that he could apologize. Thus began a new connection with him; for years now, we have been building a new friendship through email, letters, and phone calls. I have learned much from him, and I am grateful for that living connection. 

After college I lived in England for several years. There I met a Scottish woman who has now been my friend for 55 years. The thread of that friendship has always been thick, bright, and colorful, as we traveled through life’s stages together – work, travel, motherhood, bar mitzvah of my son, weddings (my son, her son), and milestone birthdays. Over the years she has become family, and friends with my friends, and I have become family, and friends with her friends. I am grateful for that living connection. 

In 1979 I took a night school class in accounting. I eventually connected with the teacher through a mutual love of photography. We became close friends until the spring when we both started feeling a whole different connection—17 years later he is family, and friends with my friends, and I have become family, and friends with his friends. I am grateful for that living connection. 

There are so many more people who have been important threads in the tapestry of my life. I am grateful for all those connections that sustain me in trying times and bring me joy over and over. 

Carol Levine 

Elul Connections 5784: Connecting Through Facebook

Yesterday I wrote about connecting through books. Today’s words come from Tish Calhamer, the Community Engagement Librarian for the Gail Borden Public Library. Of course we connect through books And so much more. Music. She has been instrumental (pun intended) in Chamber Music on the Fox, and the amazing Violins of Hope program and display here in Elgin last year. Cooking. Restaurants. Gardening. Making the world a better place with things like the Martin Luther King Commission, the YWCA, Women on the Brink and so much more.

Here are her words about connections:

Not everyone is a big fan of Facebook, but I am. Facebook is seen as the invasion of privacy, the domain of trolls, Mark Z’s moneymaker. I love Facebook for one reason, one word: connection. Facebook has allowed me to connect with old high school friends that I didn’t even realize I wanted to connect with. I have connected with my cousins in the Dominican Republic that I lost touch with when our mothers were no longer around to keep family communication up and open. I have connected with people I don’t know but share things in common: people who like cats, grew up in Chicagoland, females born between 1965-1980 and weary of your crap; who love Johnny Cash and Scandinavian artists; looking for healthy recipes, looking for baby goats wearing pajamas, and looking for used bookshelves in decent condition (to be picked up safely in front of the police station.) 

I remember talking and giggling with my best friend on the way to school, during school, and walking home from school. Then I’d stretch the cord of our putty-colored rotary phone from the kitchen into the hallway and talk and giggle until my dad would yell that I was going to yank the phone off the wall. The connection I had with my friend was stronger than the phone’s connection to the wall! Decades later, Liking a post or sharing a video of baby goats wearing pajamas brings me that same feeling of connection. A word or two tapped out on a friend’s page uplifts my spirits—I’ve reached out and now we’re not alone. We share a thought for a moment. We know that we are in each other’s thoughts and hearts. We abide in our connection even after clicking on the X on the screen. 


Tish Calhamer 

Elul Connections 5784: Connecting to Books

This is the end of the week that we mark as National Banned Book Week. My parents owned a book store in the 80s. The American Booksellers Association together with the American Library Association sponsored this week and we participated every single year. I still have my buttons that we wore in the store. Books are important. Reading is important. One of the reasons is that it connects us to each other. The discussions about books deepen our knowledge and our ability to think critically and problem solve. I have been part of several book groups. The friendships that they have built are friendships that have lasted a life time. I read books for the CKI book group. I don’t go to the book selection meeting as a general rule so they pick and I read a wider range of books. I read cookbooks, biographies, memoirs, mysteries, books that friends suggest. Those discussions can connect me to people here or across the miles. Most books I read I write a review on a platform called goodreads. This also connects me to others. These days reading and libraries are under attack. It is hard to find independent book stores. Libraries add so much to our lives. They are true community builders. The Gail Borden Public Library here in Elgin offers books, obviously, and so much more. Meeting space. Classes and Events. Early voting. Passport services. DMV Services. Videos. Games. Children’s play space. Digital Media Lab. So much more.  
I don’t understand why some find books and libraries so threatening. Jews are known as People of the Book. Keep reading.

Elul Connections 5784: Part Two of Photography

Part Two with Two More Exquisite  Photographs from Chaplain Ed Hunter:

As he said before:
Ponder on these images and so how they connect with your journey of life and reflection at this holy time.

Look to how the images may help you think of your experience as they remind you of how images like these help us remember our connections with others and how important they can be.   

We continue to learn and grow in life.  As we seek out to build new connections and perhaps rebuild them, or  

remember what they meant or might mean for you, as you continue experience the gift of life with each other. 

The RED Stairway….. what stairs have you climbed or descended that have brought to a higher or lower place in your life? 


The Snow Bridge …. The seasons of the year bring sun and rain and snow and darkness… the seasons of our life connections 



Elul Connections 5784: Reflecting on LOTS of Connections

Today’s reflection comes from our dear friend, Chaplain Ed Hunter. I say “ours” because he is a friend to so many. I say “ours” because he and I serve on several non-profit boards together. I ofen describe Ed as the chaplains’ chaplain. He is connected to so many. 

Here is Ed’s writing and his photography, some of which, like mine, will be at Fox Valley Hands of Hope art auction in October. 

In regard to the topic of connections, there are so many ways to reflect on what is a connection.  Personal for each one of us.  

Birth connections, marriage connections, religious community connections, work connections, social connections, historical  connections, etc…  

Some of us have experienced connections that lasted for a brief moment or others last a lifetime.  Some are vital and some are mundane. 

Some are life giving and some restrict our lives. 

Some change us forever… influencing the path we take in this life. 

Some we cherish and others we regret. 

I invite you to the take these words and the images to help you look are your own connections,   

Ponder on these images and so how they connect with your journey of life and reflection at this holy time. 

Look to how the images may help you think of your experience as they remind you of how images like these help us remember our connections with others and how important they can be.   

We continue to learn and grow in life.  As we seek out to build new connections and perhaps rebuild them, or  

remember what they meant or might mean for you, as you continue experience the gift of life with each other. 

 The RED Stairway….. what stairs have you climbed or descended that have brought to a higher or lower place in your life?  (Picture in next post)

The Snow Bridge …. The seasons of the year bring sun and rain and snow and darkness… the seasons of our life connections. (Picture in the next post)

The Floating Lantern…… breaking through the darkness to help us remember connections of our past and perhaps our future   

The Stretch of Tree Limbs … like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.  



Chaplain Ed Hunter 

Elul Connection 5784: Connecting with Prayers for Healing

We have looked at a variety of forms of connection. Today we are going to examine the connections one feels if you know that people are praying for you if you are sick. My friend, Jeanne Davies, posted this quote this morning, “Rarely if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.” Bell Hooks 

Every week, Friday and Saturday, I ask for names that we are concerned about for healing, of mind, body and spirit. Some people come with a list prepared. Some, including me, forget during the sharing portion and then have to add another name later. People smile at each other, notice if someone is off the list, ask questions later.  

Most often we sing Debbie Friedman’s Mi Sheberach song,  


 Mi shebeirach avoteinu
M’kor hab’racha l’imoteinu
May the source of strength
Who blessed the ones before us
Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing
And let us say Amen 

Mi shebeirach imoteinu
M’kor habrachah l’avoteinu
Bless those in need of healing with r’fuah sh’leimah
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit
And let us say Amen 

It connects us, one to another. I also really like the El Na Refa na la, from Hadassah Hospital: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0D72zDZCI4 

Simply translated, G-d, please bring healing.  

There have been many studies that show that knowing that people are praying for you, however we see praying, may help in the healing. That’s connection. If you know someone cares, that helps. That’s connection. Recently the John Templeton Foundation, published this study, https://www.templeton.org/news/what-can-science-say-about-the-study-of-prayer  

Whether yes or no, we will continue to offer prayers of healing, as they help the individual and they help us as a community, stay connected, one to another.  

Elul Connections 5784: Connecting to the Divine in Nature

Today’s words come from Professor Ivy Helman, PhD, I knew her first in Lowell, MA at Temple Emanuel of the Merrimack Valley. We have stayed in contact all these years. She is now teaching at Charles University in Prague. I am all the way in Elgin. We are still friends.

Connecting to the Divine in Nature  

“So it was always, the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting [during the day] and there was an appearance of fire at night.”  Numbers 9:16. 

 One of my favorite images of the divine is the one here: a pillar of cloud during the day and one of fire at night.  This pillar guided the Israelites as they wandered through the desert on their way to the Promised Land.  There are many connections that can be drawn from such a verse and I hope that the two ideas I am providing here for reflection might resonate with you as we prepare ourselves to reconnect with each other and the divine in the approaching High Holy Days. 

 In the pillar of cloud and fire, I am struck by how close the divine is to the people.  They can see the divine presence and that presence guides them throughout the desert.  Where is the divine guiding us?   

More importantly, I think, the Israelites were able to recognize the divine within the cloud and fire, and they connected with the divine by following the presence through the desert.  Where can we recognize the divine in our day-to-day lives and how do we connect with the presence?   

I also find comfort in the use of nature imagery which connects the divine to the world around us.  It is not that divinity and nature, in this image of cloud and fire, are distinct entities.  Rather, they are one in the same.  There is no difference here between divinity and nature.  There is a lesson here I think in how we connect to the natural world around us.  Do we honor nature’s profound connection to the divine?  How? 

 Assistant Professor/ Odborná asistentka
Charles University/ Univerzita Karlova v Praze


Elul Connections 5784: Connected to Trees

Yesterday we heard from Rabbi Katy Allen, 

Today I want to include the Earth Etude I wrote this year. It is about trees. Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav said that we should spend an hour outside in nature, pouring our souls out to G-d.  

Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav said that we should spend an hour every day outside amongst the trees 

“Grant me the ability to be alone; may it be my custom to go outdoors each day among the trees and grass – among all growing things and there may I be alone, and enter into prayer, to talk with the One to whom I belong. May I express there everything in my heart, and may all the foliage of the field – all grasses, trees, and plants – awake at my coming, to send the powers of their life into the words of my prayer so that my prayer and speech are made whole through the life and spirit of all growing things, which are made as one by their transcendent Source. May I then pour out the words of my heart before your Presence like water, O L-rd, and lift up my hands to You in worship, on my behalf, and that of my children!” 

Debbie Friedman set it to music:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEH9hipVb8w 

Here is what my Earth Etude said, published on Jewcology:


Here it is:
“Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall…”
Trees are like friends. Torah is a Tree of Life, so says Proverbs. We sing this as part of the Torah service. “It is a tree of life to them that hold fast to it and all its paths are peace.”   

. Each day when I go out for a walk, I say hello to these very trees. Winter, spring, summer and fall. They keep me grounded. Quite literally.

But imagine a world without trees. Without seasons. As our continues to heat up, it could happen. Research has shown that this summer, now drawing to an end, was the hottest recorded.

But there may be hope. Those trees may actually be trees of life. In Chelsea, MA two years ago I heard news that there was a pilot project, a test site if you will, to plant trees.

What they found was that planting trees could dramatically cool an area and was a long-term investment. 

“So, the white roof and new pavement could help cool the area more quickly, however, the trees are a longer-term investment in shade. Chelsea’s Cool Block will be loaded with pretty much every intervention to control heat, while other cities are trying one intervention at a time. Ariane Middel, who studies heat and urban design at Arizona State University in Phoenix, says, “It makes sense to concentrate cooling in rising hot spots.” 

Listen to NPR’s All Things Considered on how a test site can cool cities in the summer! 

This summer, I heard a similar story. As reported in the New York Post:
“Urban tree canopies and green spaces are our most potent weapons against the collision of the UHIE (Urban Heat Island Effect) and climate change. Unlike air conditioning, which often cuts out when everyone cranks up their units — exactly when it is needed to save lives — vegetation’s cooling effect grows the hotter an area gets. Large plants like trees and shrubs not only shade our homes on the days when the sun is most powerful, but they also cool our environment through evapotranspiration. [Evapotranspiration is when water evaporated from the soil surface into the atmosphere through the leaves of plants. – Ed.] Even a young tree has a net cooling effect equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners operating for 20 hours a day. Within 15 years, the effect doubles.”

Now, like with Jews, where you get two Jews and three opinions, a google search will quickly tell you there is a range of opinions on this. Will trees help reduce climate change? I don’t know for sure. But I figure it can’t hurt. And it will add to the world’s beauty and keep us rooted. Just what I need spiritually before Rosh Hashanah. As the old Talmudic story goes, “Just as my ancestors planted for me, so I will plant for my children and grandchildren.”

Join me in planting a tree. 

Elul Connections 5784: Connected to the Earth

Today’s post is from my friend Rabbi Katy Allen, who every year does a series of Earth Etudes for Elul. She bills herself as an earth chaplain, the founder of Ma’yan Tikvah – A Wellspring of Hope, an outdoor congregation in Metrowest Boston, the co-founder of the Jewish Climate Action Network, the instigator of the Earth Etudes for Elul, and the author of A Tree of Life: A Story in Word, Image, and Text 

and her words and pictures today remind us how connected we are to the planet. Tonight, Sept 24, at 7:00 PM Eastern you can listen to more of these at “An Evening of Etudes” on this free Zoom program which connects us to each other and to our planet.  


Arise / לָקוּם 


Too long have you  

stood still. Arise! Draw near 

and walk the verdant woodland trails 

with Me. 

אָז רַב 

לָכֶם שֶׁבֶת 

לְבַד. עַכְשָׁו לָקוּם 

בֹּאוּ לְתוֹךְ חֹרֶשׁ קָסוּם 


Inspired by Devarim 1:6 


Elul Connections 5784: Elastic Connections

Today’s thinking about connections comes from Risa Cohen, a former CKI president, a retired insurance professional and someone, sadly,  mourning her adult daughter who died last year.. She has seen the ups and downs of connections through the years.

Connections seem more difficult in this time of computer communications. Having said that, the need for connections is as great as ever. Some may think a connection has to be a tight bonding with another person or organization. This concept can be overwhelming and even scary. I personally think of connections as a rubber band, expanding and contracting but always holding together different aspects of who we are. It is complicated. Having said that it can also be simple reaching out for help or giving it. Just showing up. Connecting with other Jews, other people who enjoy the same things or need similar services for their family. Connections are both simple and complicated but like envelopes held together by a rubber band they can be added to or reduced. For me the connection with CKI and its members has helped me get through tough times and permits me to share in both the sad and happy times of other congregants. It’s why I stay involved. And just in case I keep a spare rubber band if the current one breaks. 

Risa Cohen