The Days are creeping up there. Slowly, slowly we are getting towards Sinai. Today I spent some time at the Victory Center, senior apartments, assisted living facility where one of our most senior members lives. It was my regularly scheduled monthly program. We talked about Shavuot. My member remembered that she was confirmed. She remembered every detail–the white dresses, decorating the sanctuary with flowers, marching in, her Biblical verse which she was so proud of, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” We talked about eating dairy for Shavuot. When asked why someone suggested that it is because it is white, pure like the 10 Commandments. We shared recipes for cheesecake and blintzes. I learned that they always have blintzes in the dining room on Sundays for dinner. Then we tried to remember all of the 10 Commandments. We got through most of them on our own but it was hard. We talked about which is the most meaningful to them. They like “Honor your mother and father.” I think some of them think that in their older ages they are not being honored. We talked about the different between honor, which we think means respect and Fear or Revere as it come up in Leviticus. Someone said that we should fear our parents like we fear G-d. We talked about that for a long time. We talked about what commandment might be missing in the formulation of the 10 Commandments. They answered: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
Then we read the Book of Ruth. What does it mean to follow someone like Ruth followed Naomi? What does it mean as a widow to think your life is that bitter, Mara, because you no longer have a husband and you can’t provide sons for your daughters-in-law? You can’t provide food? You are at the will of the community to take care of you? It was a very poignant discussion. They felt it was a nice story and one that really resonated with them.
Later I went to New Member Shabbat. One little girl was wearing a sparkly smiley face T-shirt. I was reminded of another confirmation. The class ahead of my daughter, one of the students, Paula Rand, said that the 11th Commandment would be “Just smile.” Smile and the world smiles with you. It is the corollary of “be nice and others will be nice to you.” So I told that story at shul, off the cuff. Everyone smiled. May it be so.