Elul Connections 5784: Studying Together Leads to Connection

Studying together brings a connection, a closeness that is unparalleled in my experience. From our earliest days, when hopefully a parent reads bed time stories snuggled under the covers, we are deeply connected to our parents and we begin to know we are loved. When we go to school, we make new friends as we puzzle out words, and meanings of those words, and math concepts. When we play on the playground, we may build friends for life while we are building sculptures in the sand box.  

As we go through the years, elementary, middle school, high school and college, we often make friends. Connections. We work on projects together. We all wind up on the same team, or chorus, or band, or theatre. We build micro-communities. 

One of my favorite books is Lifelong Kindergarten whose subtitle is Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers and Play. I would add that in addition to cultivating creativity, allowing the space for the 4 Ps creates community and fosters the kind of connection we have been talking about. 

I am still in touch with people from elementary school (Breton Downs), high school (East Grand Rapids High School) college, (Tufts University) and my seminary,(Academy for Jewish Religion). Thanks go in part to Facebook. 

What I want to talk about is AJR, and Jewish study in particular. There is a concept of chevruta, study with a partner. The root of chevruta is friend. My chevruta partner and I puzzled over Talmud, over codes, over life. Childrearing, balancing work, school and family. We buried parents together and worked through health issues together. The meaning of life. Beyond the answer 42. We talk most days still, There is a deep, deep connection. We can make each other laugh. We have cried with each other. Meditated together. Led services and study sessions together.  

We survived 9/11 and its aftermath together, which seems especially appropriate to say on this day of all days.  

Together is the key word. We are a thousand miles away and are still the best of friends.  

All because we laughed (and sometimes wept) through a codes class. We actually sometimes begin a call with “I can make you laugh,” which then is often true.  

My hope is that when you study with someone you find that deep sense of connection and togetherness. 

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