Elul Connections 5784: 9/11 and Making Peace

Yesterday was 9/11. For many of us we know exactly where we were. We have searing memories. I spent part of yesterday calling the people I spent part of that day with, whether in person or on the phone, once I made it to Connecticut and the cell phone towers worked for me again.  

Those are people I have life long connections to. My study partner who I wrote about yesterday. Many of the AJR community because I was at AJR in Riverdale when the nightmare began. My cousin who had just given birth the week before and I was stopping by to do a baby naming. The naming didn’t happen that day. We waited until Thanksgiving. A principal from Massachusetts, one of my huppah holders, who had two kids whose father was on Flight 11. A UCC minister, whose congregant was the pilot from Flight 11. And of course, my husband, who again I couldn’t reach until I got to Connecticut. They had been dear friends before. Even more so after this tragedy.. 

Partly because we were living in Boston, and I was going to school in New York my memories are very sharp. That might be a post for another time. Although I feel the need to write those out before I do forget. 

Today, in the Elgin 9/11 Memorial I had a chance to reflect. What we witnessed that day was evil. And while it happened on American soil shocking many, it was not limited to the United States.  115 countries lost people on 9/11. 26 days after the attacks, the United States launched the Global War on Terrorism.  

But a war on terrorism already existed and had for a number of years. Today’s connection goes all the way back to the Ottoman Empire, the British Mandate, the life in the Middle East prior to 1948, 1947 and the vote to partition Palestine. 1948 and Israeli Independence Day, 1967, Munich 1972 (remember that terrorism at the Olympic games?), 1973, two intifadas, bus bombings, pizza bombings, Hebrew University, the withdrawal of Israel from the Gaza Strip in 2006, the embargo of the Gaza Strip, Iranian sanctions…and more. 

And yes, October 7th. Sadly, During the debate on Tuesday, we heard a brief discussion on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. It is all still sadly connected. We cannot talk effectively about making peace and seeking justice without understanding the history that stretches way, way back.  

Ufros Aleinu Sukkat Shlomecha, Spread over us the Shelter of your peace. Oseh Shalom Bimromav…May the God who makes peace in the high heavens make peace here on earth. Because we don’t see to be able to Because maybe only You can.  

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