Elul Connections 5784: Martin Buber Paraphrased

Rabbi Michael Zedek, rabbi emeritus of Congregation Emanuel in Chicago and author of Taking Miracles Seriously adds to our understanding of I-Thou and connectedness: 

As to connections, I would paraphrase Martin Buber (this year happens to be the 101st anniversary of I and Thou. Were he alive today, I’m sure he’d say it this way, but he was not sensitive, as we have become, to chauvinistic language. To paraphrase, we become what we are, children of God by becoming what we are to brothers and sisters of each other. In brief, it is precisely in the connections with others that we have the opportunity to meet the sacred. Additionally, I suspect the lack of that quality in our world is another way to account for why ideas about God seem to suffer or at least are insufficient 

Rabbi Michael Zedek 

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